10 Pieces for Piano, Op.12 (Prokofiev, Sergey)




MP3 file (audio)
Matesic (2013/7/29)

Performer Pages Steve's Bedroom Band (4 violas)
Publisher Info. Steve Jones
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Sheet Music



PDF scanned by Unknown
Daphnis (2008/8/10)

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Carolus (2018/2/17)

Editor First edition (reprint)
Publisher. Info. Moscow: P. Jurgenson, n.d.[1914]. Plate 37322-37331.
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PDF scanned by Sallen112
Sallen112 (2024/9/18)

Editor First edition (reprint)
Publisher. Info. Moscow: P. Jurgenson, n.d.[1914]. Plate 37322-37331.
Reprinted Sarcasms, Visions Fugitives and Other Short Works for Piano, No.5 (pp.57-98)
Mineola: Dover Publicatons, Inc., 2000.
Misc. Notes 600 dpi. Page size is 8.7317 x 11.8267 inches.
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Madcapellan (2011/11/18)

Editor Levon Atovmyan (1901–1973)
Publisher. Info. Collected Works (Собрание сочинений), Vol.1 (pp.68-113)
Moscow: Muzgiz, 1955. Plate M. 23404 Г.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the edition is published after the copyrights of the original creator(s) have expired. In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States, as the copyright on the original work may not have expired.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
Reprinted New York: E.F. Kalmus, n.d.(ca.1960). Catalog K 5002 (later Belwin-Mills, Alfred)
Misc. Notes 600 dpi
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PDF scanned by Unknown
Feldmahler (2006/2/25)

Editor Pavel Lukyanchenko
Publisher. Info. Сочинения в фортепиано в 5-ти томах, том 2
Moscow: Muzyka, 1983.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

In Canada, new editions/re-engravings of public domain works (when not including new original material) should be in the public domain due to failing to meet the threshold of originality. In most European Union countries, these editions (except new original material) are generally protected for no more than 25 years from publication (30 years in Poland), and only if the edition is published after the copyrights of the original creator(s) have expired. In the United States, copyright can only apply to new creative work, and the re-engraving of a public domain piece (not including new additions of creative material) should not qualify for a new copyright, despite copyright claims (which properly would only apply to new material).

You may need to check the publication date and details of the work's first publication in order to determine the work's copyright status, especially for the United States, as the copyright on the original work may not have expired.

More information can be found here.
Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.
Misc. Notes Nos.1, 3-6, 8-9 from 1983 edition; No.10 from ca.1967 collection (Plate 2400).
Pagination - (#81-83, 89-103, 109-119; 40-47)
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PDF scanned by US-R
Emblyadell (2012/10/25)

PDF scanned by US-R
Emblyadell (2012/10/25)

PDF scanned by US-R
Emblyadell (2014/4/14)

Editor "Specially edited by the composer"
Publisher. Info. New York: G. Schirmer, 1919. Plate 29335-29336, 29333.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

Prelude (No.7)

For 2 Violins, Viola and Cello (Lee)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ajlee2006 (2023/10/13)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ajlee2006 (2023/10/13)

Arranger Andrew Jonathan Lee (b. 2006)
Publisher. Info. Andrew Jonathan Lee, 2023.
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For Harp

PDF scanned by US-PRV
Zeyarshwe (2017/5/24)

Editor First edition
Publisher. Info. Moscow: P. Jurgenson, n.d.[1914]. Plate 37328.
Misc. Notes From the International Harp Archives at Brigham Young University
(as digitally mirrored at archive.org). From Pratt Harp Collection
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Scherzo humoristique (No.9)

For 4 Bassoons (Prokofiev)

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Notnd (2009/11/26)

4 more: Bassoon 1 • Bassoon 2 • Bassoon 3 • Bassoon 4

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Notnd (2009/11/26)

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Notnd (2009/11/26)

PDF scanned by US-R
Notnd (2009/11/26)

PDF scanned by US-R
Notnd (2009/11/26)

Arranger Composer
Publisher. Info. Moscow: P. Jurgenson, n.d.[1915]. Plate 37855.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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For 2 Bass Clarinets and 2 Bassoons (Lee)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ajlee2006 (2023/10/22)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ajlee2006 (2023/10/22)

Arranger Andrew Jonathan Lee (b. 2006)
Publisher. Info. Andrew Jonathan Lee, 2023.
Misc. Notes low C extensions optional
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For 4 Bass Clarinets (Lee)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ajlee2006 (2023/10/22)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ajlee2006 (2023/10/22)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ajlee2006 (2023/10/22)

MSCZ typeset by arranger
Ajlee2006 (2023/10/22)

Arranger Andrew Jonathan Lee (b. 2006)
Publisher. Info. Andrew Jonathan Lee, 2023.
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For 3 Cellos and Double Bass or 4 Cellos (Lee)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ajlee2006 (2023/10/22)

PDF typeset by arranger
Ajlee2006 (2023/10/22)

Arranger Andrew Jonathan Lee (b. 2006)
Publisher. Info. Andrew Jonathan Lee, 2023.
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General Information

Work Title 10 Pieces for Piano
Alternative. Title Десять пьес для фортепиано
Composer Prokofiev, Sergey
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. Op.12
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. ISP 40
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 10 pieces:
  1. March (Марш)
  2. Gavotte (Гавот)
  3. Rigaudon (Ригодон)
  4. Mazurka (Мазурка)
  5. Capriccio (Каприччио)
  6. Legenda (Легенда)
  7. Prelude (Прелюд)
  8. Allemande (Аллеманда)
  9. Humorous Scherzo (Юмористическое скерцо)
  10. Scherzo (Скерцо)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1906-13
First Performance. 1914-02-05 in Moscow
Sergey Prokofiev (piano)
First Publication. 1914 - Moscow: P. Jurgenson, Plates 37322-331
Dedication Various
  1. Vasyusha Morolyov (Vasily Mitrofanovich Morolyov)
  2. Boris Zakharov (1887–1943)
  3. Fyaka (Nina Meshcherskaya, 1895–1981)
  4. Kolechka Myaskovsky (Nikolay Myaskovsky, 1881–1950)
  5. Talya Meshcherskaya (Nataliya Alekseyevna Entel née Meshcherskaya)
  6. -
  7. -
  8. Max Schmidthof (Maximilian Schmidthof, 1892–1913)
  9. Nikolay Tcherepnin (1873–1945)
  10. Vladimir Deshevov (1889–1955)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation piano (or harp (no.7 only), but see below, Comments)
Related Works The March (No.1) was based on No.6 of the Little Songs, series V (1906)
External Links Prokofiev Catalogue
All Music Guide
Extra Information Scherzo humoristique (No.9) arranged by composer for 4 bassoons in 1915 and published same year by Jurgenson as Op.12bis. The first documented performance was in London on September 2, 1916.

Navigation etc.

  • "The tamer binary-form exercises for Lyadov's class did not go entirely to waste. Three turn up in Op.12..."- Nice, Prokofiev: From Russia to the West, 1891-1935, p.50.
  • Grove Music does not list an arrangement by Prokofiev of No.7 for harp, though it does list the 4-bassoon arrangement of No.9 as op.12bis. Thus, it is unknown who did this arrangement. The collection as originally published in 1914 mentioned it as being for either piano or harp, so the composer is likely the arranger by designating it this way.

See Also
List of Intermediate Piano Repertoire