Bote & Bock

Typical early cover (1853)
Typical cover (1877)
Decorative cover (1890s)
ex-Lauterbach & Kuhn cover (1909)
Typical cover (1913)




Founded on February 1st, 1838 by Eduard Bote and Gustav Bock (1813-1863) in Berlin with the purchase of the publisher C. W. Froehlich & Co. Expansion was rapid with the additional purchase of the Berlin firms Moritz Westphal (1840) and Thomas Brandenburg (1845). Eduard Bote withdrew from the business in 1847, and Bock's younger brother Emil (1816-1871) directed the company after its founder's death in 1863.

Gustav Bock's son Hugo (1848-1932) took over the reins next, acquiring the publisher Lauterbach & Kuhn in 1908. With the Lauterbach & Kuhn purchase came a substantial body of work from Max Reger. The company's headquarters in Berlin were completely destroyed in 1943.

The post-war period, under the leadership of Hugo Bock's son Gustav (1882-1953) and grandson Kurt Radecke (1901-1966), saw the establishment of a branch office in Wiesbaden (1948) and the reconstruction of the Berlin headquarters. From 1966 to 1995, the firm was a limited family partnership. It was sold to Boosey & Hawkes in 1995.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Ed. Bote und G. Bock
  • Bote & Bock
  • Bote & Bock, G.m.b.H. (after 1904)



Berlin (1838-present) - Main Office
  • 42 Jägerstraße (1838-1849)
  • 27 Unter den Linden (1849-1873)
  • 37 Leipzigerstraße (1873-1943)
  • 9a Hardenbergstraße (1957-2000)
Breslau (1847 - ?)
Stettin (1849 - ?)
Posen (1850s - ?)
  • 21 Wilhelmstraße
Wiesbaden (1948 - ?)

Plate Numbers

Plate numbers seem to be used in a chronological manner. Dates in italics are estimated dates.

Plate Composer Work Year
00139 Ries Violin Concerto No.2, Op.16 (violin and piano arr.) 1839
00474 Taubert Miniatures, Op.37 (Cah. 3) 1840
00475 Taubert Miniatures, Op.37 (Cah. 4) 1840
00585 Loewe Johann Huss, Op.82 (vocal score) 1842
01319 Heller Fantasie-Sonate, Op.69 1848
01851 Taubert Symphony No.4, Op.80 (score) 1851
02280 Taubert Piano Trio No.2, Op.96 (score and parts) 1853
02959 Kontski La sentimentale, Op.10 1855
02961 Kontski Sur mer, Op.56 1854
03359 Chopin Mazurka in A minor, B.140 1855
03453 Ketterer L'Argentine, Op.21 1856
03583 Faust Defilir-Marsch 1856
03665 Kontski Piano Sonata No.1, Op.156
03991 Wieniawski Chanson polonaise 1858
04254 Kontski Final de 'Lucia di Lammermoor', Op.62 1859
04362 Kässmayer String Quintet, Op.8 (parts) 1859
04600 Kontski La Violette, Op.172 1859
05437–5439 Kiel 10 Pianoforte-Stücke, Op.18
05442 Richards Marie, Op.60
05609 Kiel Piano Trio No.3, Op.24 1862
05679 Meyerbeer Fest-Ouvertüre im Marschstyl (full score) 1862
06883 Liszt Illustrations de l'opéra L'Africaine, S.415 (No.1) 1866
06884 Liszt Illustrations de l'opéra L'Africaine, S.415 (No.2) 1866
08040 Wüerst Variations, Op.50 (arrangement pf4h) 1869
08083 Kéler Am schönen Rhein gedenk ich dein, Op.83 1869
08192 Conradi Offenbachiana, Op.111 (piano 4-hands) 1869
Romberg 6 Morceaux élégants (sc,pt) 1870
09322 Conradi Kriegsraketen, Op.119 1870
09325 Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet, overture-fantasia, full score (2nd version) 1871
09492 Raff Humoreske in Walzerform, Op.159 1871
09501–9503 Krzyżanowski 3 Chants sans paroles,Op.32
10261 Kudelski String Trio, Op.32 1873
10297 Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet, overture-fantasia (orch. parts, 2nd version) 1874
10960 Kiel Piano Trio No.6, Op.65 No.1 1876
11018 Taubert Cesario, Op.188 (vocal score) 1875
11064 Kiel Piano Trio No.7, Op.65 No.2 1876
11352 Damrosch Violin Concerto (violin/piano arr.) 1877
11545 Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet (overture-fantasia) (piano, arr. C. Bial) 1881
11936–37 Kiel 10 vierhändige Klavierstücke für die Jugend, Op.74 1878
12016 Draeseke Fata Morgana, Op.13 1879
12048 Desormes Mandolinen-Polka (piano vers.) 1878
12065 Dvořák Dumka, Op.35 1879
12067–68 Dvořák Furiants, Op.42 1879
12182 Dvořák Piano Trio No.2, Op.26 1879
12250 Godard Violin Sonata No.4, Op.12 1880
12261–63 Chopin Oeuvres complètes (ed. Karl Klindworth) 1880
12370 Sauret Scherzo Fantastico, Op.9 1880
12402–23 Kiel New Waltzes for String Quartet, Op.78 (score and parts) 1881
12454-55 Dvořák 6 Mazurkas, Op.56 1880
12468 Zarzycki Grande valse 1883
12529 Stanford The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan (vocal score) 1881
12530 Kiel Requiem, Op.80 (full score) 1881
12562 Stanford Piano Quartet, Op.15 (score and parts) 1881
12638 Kauffmann Variations for String Quartet, Op.8 1882
12716 Rudorff Symphony No.1, Op.31 (score) 1883
12809 Bruhns Praeludio in G major (ed.Rheinberger) 1883
12817 Albert Suite in 5 Movements, Op.1 1883
12839 Dvořák Nocturne in B major, Op.40 1883
12879 Klughardt String Quartet No.1, Op.42 (parts) 1883
12966 Klughardt Concert Ouverture, Op.45 (f.s.) 1884
13040 Klughardt Piano Trio, Op.47 (score and parts) 1886
13061 Hauptner 150 Deutsche Kriegs- und Soldatenlieder 1887
13268–70 Paderewski 6 Humoresques de Concert, Op.14 (Nos.1–3) 1887
13283–85 Paderewski 6 Humoresques de Concert, Op.14 (Nos.4–6) 1887
13343 Albert Waltzes for Piano Four-Hands, Op.6 1888
13399 Hofmann Suite for Piano
13410 Joachim Violin Concerto No.3 (piano reduction) 1889
13582–88 Schütt Silhouettes-Portraits, Op.34 1891
13754 Mascagni I Rantzau 1893
13758 Albert Piano Concerto No.2, Op.12 (full score) 1893
13962 Leschetizky 2 Piano Pieces, Op.42 1894
13982 Paderewski 6 Songs, Op.18 1894
14130 Paderewski Polish Fantasy, Op.19 (full score) 1895
14220 Moszkowski Laurin, Op.53 (arr. for piano solo) 1895
14299 Lyapunov Impromptu, Op.5 1896
14607 Lyapunov Ballade, Op.2 (arr. for 2pf) 1899
14917 Berger String Quintet, Op.75 (parts) 1899
15226 Forni, O. Valse des chasseurs (for strings. parts) 1901
15434 Koessler String Quartet No.2 (score&parts) 1902
15455 Laszlo Ungarische Weisen, Op.5 1902
15516 Offenbach La vie parisienne (German vocal score, arr. Bernhard Wolff) 1903
15613 Strauss Sinfonia Domestica, Op.53 (full sc.) 1904
15729 Levy String Quartet in D minor (parts) 1905
15825 Albert 5 Bagatelles, Op.29 (no.5) 1905
16788–90 Leschetizky 3 Piano Pieces, Op.48 1909
17059 Reger Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Beethoven, Op.86
(reprint of L&K 1904 ed.)
17216 Reger Präludien und Fugen für Violine solo, Op.117 1909-10
17228 Reger Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Hiller, Op.100
(duet arrangement by Singer II)
17323 Chopin Oeuvres complètes (ed. Karl Klindworth. This plate is for vols. 2 & 3) 1910
17338 Reger Piano Concerto, Op.114 (2 piano arr.) 1910
17620 Reger String Sextet, Op.118 1911
17648 Kahn Cello Sonata, Op.56 1911
17948 Wolf Italian Serenade (Junk arr. for piano solo) 1912
18126 Reger Introduktion, Passacaglia und Fuge, Op.127 1913
18236 Kahn String Quartet, Op.60 (parts) 1914
18831 Dvořák 6 Mazurkas, Op.56 , No.2 (violin and piano by Issay Barmas) 1920
19156 Stolz (Robert) Das alte, das neue Wien, Op.250 1922
19618 (22) Grünfeld Frühlingsstimmen Walzer, Op.57 (Günther/Teichmüller editions) 1926
19634 (628) Respighi Concerto in modo misolidio (2-piano arr.) 1926
19743 (31) Grünfeld Soirée de Vienne, Op.56 (Teichmüller edition) 1926
20584 ( ) Furtwängler Violin Sonata (No.2) in D (score) (ed. Kulenkampff) 1941
21260 (539) Blacher Viola Concerto, Op.48 (fs) 1956
21263 (1838) Einem, v. Piano Concerto (fs) 1956
21342 (585) Weiss Guitar Sonata No.1 in D minor 1957
23217 (1606) Yun, I-sang Intermezzo for Cello and Accordeon (or Pf or Org.) (sc&pts) 1989

In issues after 1923 or so, the plate often appears as "Plate-number (Edition no.)", as above. In recent issues (ca. mid-1990s to present? - after the sale to Boosey & Hawkes?) one often has "bb ((4-digit) edition number) Bote & Bock" and no separate 5-digit plate number.

Sources Consulted

  • 1. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edited by Stanley Sadie.
New York and London: Macmillan Publications, 1980.


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