The Essex Harmony (Arnold, John)

Sheet Music


Editor 3rd edition
Publisher. Info. London: Robert Brown, 1767.
Editor 4th edition
Publisher. Info. London: R. and M. Brown; J. Buckland; S. Crowder; T. Caslon, 1774.
Editor 3rd edition of Vol.1
Publisher. Info. London: A. Rivington and J. Marshall, 1786.
Publisher. Info. London: R. and M. Brown; L. Hawes; J. Buckland; S. Crowder, 1769.
Editor 2nd edition of Vol.2
Publisher. Info. London: G. Bigg, 1777.
Publisher. Info. London: Bland & Weller, n.d.(ca.1795).

Arrangements and Transcriptions

For 2 Recorders (Kemp)
Arranger David Edward Kemp
Publisher. Info. David Edward Kemp
Misc. Notes 32 Duets from Essex Harmony - Vol 1 - trans. for Tenor & Bass Recorders as needed
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General Information

Work Title The Essex Harmony
Alternative. Title Title-page transcription
The Essex Harmony: Being a Choice Collection Of the most Celebrated Songs and Catches, For Two, Three, Four, and Five Voices: From the Works of the most eminent Masters. Principally published for the Use of all Musical Societies, Catch-Clubs, &c. both in Town and Country.</span>
Composer Arnold, John
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 194 pieces
First Publication. 1753
Librettist mostly unattributed. Includes
Matthew Prior
Language English
Average DurationAvg. Duration 2-7 minutes each
Volume 1 (1767, 1774, & 1786 Editions)
SONGS FOR TWO VOICES (often just treble and bass, or treble and treble, w/no bass)
1. Anon: God save great George our King [1786 edition lists composer as Purcell]
2. Lawes: Gather your rose buds while you may
3. +Markham: A Song on a Bowl of Punch ("The jolly bowl does glad the soul")
4. +Weldon: Let ambition fire thy mind
5. +Carey: He comes, he comes, the hero comes
6. +Felton: Fill, fill, fill the glass, briskly put it round
7. Anon: Smile, smile Britannia smile (A Favourite Song)
8. Carey°: Britons where is your great magnanimity
9. Anon: Fame let thy trumpet sound (A Loyal Song)
10. +Carey: 'Tis Masonry unites mankind (A Song on Masonry)
11. +Winn: Happy is a county life
12. Anon: Britannia's sons rejoice, to George exalt your voice
13. Anon: You bid me, Fair, conceal my love
1774/1786 Edition/13. Arnold: The echoing horn, sounds well in the morn (A NF Hunting Song)
14. Anon: The morning is charming, all nature is gay (A New Hunting Song)
15. Anon: Say lovely peace that grac'd our Isle (A Loyal Song) [Chorus: "For Mars is rous'd"] [p.16]
16. Purcell: To arms, you ensigns strait display [Chorus: "Britons strike home, revenge"] [p.18]
17. Alcock Sr.: How faint a joy the maid imparts (Alcock, organist to the Right Honourable the Earl of Denegall, and of Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire) [p.21]
18. Greene: The Fly ("Busy, curious thirsty fly") [p.22]
19. Handel: The Advice ("Mortals wisely learn to measure") [p.23]
20. Arnold: Blooming Bacchus, ever young [Chorus/a3: "Let us by thine influ'nce fir'd"] [p.24]
21. Arnold: When Cloe was by Damon seen [p.26]
22. Purcell: Cease, the rovers, cease to range [p.27]
23. Hayden: Fair Clora ("As I saw fair Clora walk alone") [p.29]
24. Travers°: Plenty, mirth and gay delights [p.32]
25. Cannington: Damon and Celia ("As Celia near a fountain lay") [p.35]
26. Anon: Earth's treasure, Love's delight [p.36]
27. Wise: Old Chiron's Advise to Achilles ("Old Chiron thus preach'd to his pupil Achilles") [p.41]
28. Henry Cook°: An Epithilamium ("Joy to the happy pair") [Chorus/a3: "Come Nymphs and shepherds"] [p.45]
29. Leveridge: Cupid, my pleasure, soft love, I thee implore (words & music by L.) [p.48]
30. Lampe: The Power of Drinking ("Fly, care, to the winds") [p.50]
31. Anon: Bury Delights ("Bury delights, my roving eye") [p.52]
32. Eccles: The Power of Wine ("Wine does wonders") (3 VOICES) [p.54]
33. Leveridge: Whilst health and blooming youth combine [p.58]
34. Hicks: Boast no more fond love thy Pow'r [Chorus/a3: "Like the sun that gilds the morning"] [p.63]
35. Purcell: My dearest, my fairest, I languish [p.66]
36. Travers: I like the bee with toil and pain [p.70]
37. +Boyce: Since nature mankind for society fram'd (A Drinking Song) [p.72]
38. Travers: When Bibo thought fit from this world to retreat (Words by Matthew Prior) [p.76]
39. +Harington: Damon and Clora ("Turn, fair Clora/Go, false Damon") [p.80]
40. Greene: Why all this whining [p.84]
1786 EDITION/40. Arnold: The King's Health ("Here's a health to the King") (Glee, a3) [p.84]
1786 Ed./41. #Rameau: Beauty and Music ("Ye swains whom radiant beauty moves") [p.87]
1786 Ed./42. #Carey°: Love in Perfection, Sonnet ("I'll range around the shady bow'rs") [p.88]
1786 Ed./43. #Carey°: Hark away, 'tis the merry ton'd horn (A Favourite Hunting Song) [p.89]
1786 Ed./44. #Barnard: The Absent Lover ("Ye gentle gales that fan the air") [p.91)
1786 Ed./45. #Markwell: The Whining Lover ("Woman, thoughtless, giddy creature") [p.92]
1786 Ed./46. #Galliard: The celebrated Early Horn ("With early horn, salute the morn") [p.93]
1786 Ed./47. #Fisher Tench: An Address to Vulcan ("Vulcan contrive me such a cup") [p.96]
1786 Ed./48. #Prelleur: The Lover's Passion ("Damon if thou wilt believe me") [p.97]
1786 Ed./49. #Arne: Wou'd you taste the noontide Air (The celebrated Noon-tide Air") [p.98]
1786 Ed./50. #Eccles: : As Cupid roguishly one day (A favourite Song) [p.102]
1786 Ed./51. Riley: Cupid's Mistake ("As afternoon one summer's day") [p.106]
1786 Ed./52. Popely: The Lover's Vow ("No more shall buds on branches spring") [p.110]
1786 Ed./53. #Carey°: I am in truth, a country youth (from The Honest Yorkshire-Man) [p.111]
1786 Ed./54. #Carey°: The Modern Beau ("Come hither my country squire") (from The Honest Yorkshire-Man) [p.112]
1786 Ed./55. #Carey(?)°: On Masons and Masonry ("By Masons art the aspiring dome") [p.113]
1786 Ed./56. Carey°: Come learn by this (Chorus from The Honest Yorkshire-Man) [p.114]
1786 Ed./57. East: Warley Camp. Glee [a3] ("How merrily we live") [p.115]
41/58. Travers: An Epigram, by Matthew Prior ("Says Pontius in rage"] [p.89/119]
42. Travers: Chanson Francos ("Why thus from the plain") (translated by Matthew Prior) [p.92]
1774/42. & 1786/59. Anon: Bacchus, god of mortal pleasure [a2+b.c.] [p.92/122]
43/60. Travers: Fair and ugly, false and true (FOR THREE VOICES) [p.95/125]
44/61. Handel: When Phaebus the tops of the hills do adorn (A Favourite Song) [p.100]
1774 & 1786 Ed./44/61 [same as above, but a3, with bass by Arnold]
45/62. Howard: Ye cheerful virgins have you seen [p.104]
1786 Ed./63. Arnold: The Spinning Wheel ("Young Colin fishing near the mill") [p.136]

1. Carey: The Free Election ("Curs'd be the wretch that's bought and sold") [a3] [p.106/138]
2. Anon: Ill fares the family that shews [a3] [p.107/139]
3. Purcell: On a Widow, who married an old Widower ("Had she not care enough") [a3] [p.107/139]
4. Blow: A Chiding ("Fie! nay, prithee, John!") [a3] [p.108/140]
5. Blow: Galloping Joan ("Joan has been galloping") [a3] [p.109/141]
6. Aldrich: Hark! the bonny Christ Church bells [a3] [p.110/142]
7. Purcell: Soldier take off thy wine [a4] [p.111/143]
8. Battishill: Here on his back doth lay, Sir Andrew Keeling [Epitaph, a4] [p.112]**
9/8. Hilton: Call George again boy [a3] [p.113/144]
10. Alcock Sr.: Pray remember the poor confin'd debtors [a3] [p.114]**
11. Hayes: The Power of Time ("I neither brass, or marble can withstand") [a3] [p.115]**`
12. Greene: On the poor confin'd debtors [a3] [p.116]**
13/9. Purcell: The Parting ("When V and I together meet") [a3] [p.117/145]
14/10. Alcock Sr.: When Troy town for ten years [a4] [p.117/145]
15/11. Hayes: Three Oxford Cries ("Chairs to mend, old chairs") [a3] [p.118/146]
1786 Ed./12. Arnold: Three Toasts ("May we never want a friend") [a3] [p.147]
1786 Ed./13. Arnold: Joan's ale is new, boys [a4] [p.147]
1786 Ed./14. Mornington°: Says Sue to Prue [a3] [p.148]
16. Greene: Come let us laugh, let us drink [a3] [p.119]**
17. White: New oysters, new oysters [a3] [p.120]**
18. Hayes: Come buy my fine wares [a3] [p.121]**
19/16. Purcell: Jack, thou'rt a Toper [a3] [p.122/150]**
20/17. Anon: Prepare your hearts for mirth [a3] [p.124/152]**
21. Blow: The King's Health ("God preserve his Majesty") [a4] [p.125]**
22. King: O! Absalom my son (late Almoner, &c. of St. Paul's) [a3] [p.125]**
23. Hayes: Ink, ink, come by my fine writing ink [a4] [p.126]**
24/15. Harington: Love and Musick ("How great is the pleasure") [a3] [p.128/149]
25. Hayes: Let's drink, and let's go together (Canon, 4 in 1] [p.129]**
26. Arnold: Old chairs to mend [a3] [p.129]**
27. Greene: I've lost my mistress, horse and wife [a3] [p.130]**
28/18. Berg: Not a day more than thirty [Epigram, a3] [p.132/153]
29/21. Boyce: Long live King George, most happy days to see [a4] [p.133/155]
30/22. Marella: Half an hour past twelve o'clock [a4] [p.133/155]
31/23. Anon: 'Twas you, Sir, 'twas you [a3] [p.134/156]
32/24. Warren: To our musical club, here's long life, and prosperity [a3] [p.135/157]
33. Berg: Let us drink and be merry, dance, joke and rejoice [a3] [p.136]**
34. Anon: Chloe, Chloe, yielded; on the morrow sighing [a3] [p.137]**
35. Arne: The Street Intrigue ("Hark, you, my dear, come hither") [a3] [p.138]**
36. Baildon: On a Dream ("When is it best, said John to Joan") [a4] [Prize Medal catch, 1763] [p.140]**
37. Giardini: Quaker's Catch ("'Tis strange sister Ruth, that the spirit within") [a3] [p.142]**
38. Arne: The Catch Club/The Singing Club ("Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Sol Fa") [a5] [p.144]**
39/27. Nares: Wilt thou lend me thy mare to go a mile [a3] [p.146/160]
40. Yates: Here lies, her lies, the Lord have mercy upon her [Epitaph, a4] [p.147]**
41. Hayes: Here waiter, bring a bottle [a3] [p.148]**
42/25. Anon: There were three cooks in Colnbrook [a3] [p.149/158]
1786 Ed./26. Bates: Come follow me, with merry glee [CANON, 4 in 1] [p.159]
43. Hayes: A Catch, on Anacreon, by Antipater ("This tomb be thine Anacreon") [a3] [p.150]**
44/19. Anon: Lie still, my dear [a3] [p.151/154]
45/20. Anon: Go to Joan Glover [a4] [p.151/154]
46. Ives: Come honest friends, and jovial boys [a3] [p.152]**
47. Boyce: A blooming youth lies buried here, Euphemus [Epitaph, a3] [p.153]**
48. Anon: Buy my dainty fin beans [a3] [p.154]**
A Table of the Songs [by page number; not alphabetical]
A Table of the Catches [by page number; not alphabetical]

Volume 2 (1769 & 1777 Editions)
[The 1795 Bland & Wellers Volume 2 edition contains all the same pieces as the 1769 edition (except for one - No.31, Burney: "Jack and Jill, went up the hill"), but it is in a different typeset, page arrangement and order.]
SONGS FOR TWO, THREE and FOUR VOICES (songs and glees)
1/2. +Arnold: Since Celia's my foe [a2] [p.1/2]
1777 Edition/1. Arnold: In a full flowing bowl [a2] [p.1]
2/20. Anon: Let's live, and let's love [glee, a3] [p.2/34]
3/21. Rogers: The Jolly Vicar ("Let the bells now ring") [glee, a4] [p.4/36]
1777 Ed./3. #Carey: Love's a gentle gen'rous passion [a2] [p.3]
4/22. Freeman: Of all the brave birds that ever I see [a3] [p.9/41]
1777 Ed./4. Anon: To thee O gentle sleep alone [glee a3] [p.4]
5. Henley: Fairest flow'r, all flow'rs excelling [glee, a4] [p.12]**
1777 Ed./5. Anon: Blow on ye winds, descend soft rains [glee, a3] [p.5]
6. Morley: Now is the month of Maying [glee, a5] [p.15]**
1777 Ed./6. Anon: Hail England! old England, for glory renown'd (An occasional Ode, on the Success of our Arms) [a2; Chorus a3] [p.6]
7/19. Holcombe: Arno's Vale ("When here Lucinda first we came") [glee, a4; 3 additional parts by Dr Hayes] [p.19/31]
1777 Ed./7. #Galliard: Jolly mortals fill your glasses [a2] [p.8]
8. Eccles: Inspire us, genius of the day [a3] [p.22]**
1777 Ed./8. Arnold: Toby Swill has ne'er his fill [a2] [p.9]
9/31. Travers: Soft Cupid wanton am'rous boy [a3] [p.31/67]
10/32. Travers: The Old Baccanalian ("Old I am, yet can") [a canzonette, a3] [p.43/79]
11/26. Arne: Which is the properest day to drink [glee/1763 Prize, a4] [p.53/49]
1777 Ed./11. Anon: Cupid no more shall give me grief [a2] [p.13]
12/27. Hayes: Melting airs soft joys inspire [glee, a4] [p.58/54]
1777 Ed./12. Anon: Bacchus, he it is who fires me [a2] [p.14]
13/28. Battishill: Amidst the myrtles as I walk [glee, a2] [p.59/55]
1777 Ed./13. Smart: With my jug in one hand [glee, a3] [p.16]
14/29. Fletcher: A pox on reflection, be jolly [drinking song, a2] [p.60/56]
1777 Ed./14. Playford: Come swain, why sits thou so? [a2] [p.19]
15/17. Olive: Bacchus, god of joys devine [a2] [p.65/29]
1777 Ed./15. Smart: To be jovial and gay [glee, a3] [p.20]
16. Fletcher: The British Hero ("By beat of drum proclaim") [a2] [p.66]**
1777 Ed./16. Taylor: Farewell sorrow, farewell pain (Organist of Chelmsford, Essex) [glee, a3] [p.22]
17/10. Arnold: Three children sliding on the ice [a2] [p.71/12]
18. Ives: Now we are met, let's merry [a3] [p.72]**
19/25. Arnold: Fill about, let's drink away [a2] [p.74/48]
20. Arnold: Little Jack Horner [a2] [p.75]**
21. Arnold: When Gammer Gurton first I knew [a2] [p.76]**
22/30. Baildon: When gay Bacchus fills my breast (Prize Medal 1766) [glee, a2] [p.77/61]
23. Arne: Punch, an Emblem of the Medium of Life ("You ask me, dear Jack") [glee, a2] [p.83]**
24/18. Arnold: Music, how pow'rful is thy charm [glee, a2] [p.88/30]
25/9. Arne: Water parted from the sea [a2] [p.89/10]
26/23. Palma: When first I saw thee graceful move [glee, a3] [p.91/44]
27/24. Corelli: Bacchus asset us to sing thy great glory [a3] [p.93/46]
1777 Ed./33. Berg: I marry'd a wife on Sunday [glee, a2] [p.89]
1777 Ed./34. #Anon: The dusky night rides down the sky [A NF Hunting Song, a2] [p.90]
1777 Ed./35. Harington: How sweet in the woodlands [Duetto, a2] [p.92]
1777 Ed./36. Anon: Come thou rosy dimpled boy [A Favorite Glee, a2] [p.95]


1/48. Morgan: Quoth Jack on a time, to Tom [a3] [p.94/142]
1777 Ed./1: Arnold: Women shou'd their time divide [a3] [p.97]
2/7. Anon: Now God be with old Simeon [a3] [p.95/103]
1777 Ed./2: Arnold: She that thinks upon her honour [a4] [p.98]
3/8. Webbe: The moon, and woman [a3] [p.96/104]
1777 Ed./3: Arnold: My beer is stout, by ale is good (Wrote under a Sign at a Public House) [a3] [p.98]
4/9. Berg: Come friends and companions [a3] [p.97/105]
1777 Ed./4: Arnold: Such a lyar is Tom [Epigram, a3] [p.99]
5/10. Edward Mulso: The Amourous Parley ("Don't push my tender passion") [Prize Medal catch 1766, a4] [p.98/106]
1777 Ed./5: Bates: The Comical Fellows (Sir, you are a comical fellow") [a3] [p.99]
6/11. Thomas Wood: Prithee is not miss Chloe's a comical case [a3] [p.99/107]
1777 Ed./6: Arnold: As Celia with her catcher play'd [a3] [p.102]
7/12. Lampe: Jack, I hear you're good at Pinking [a4] [p.100/108]
8/13. Anon: My heart, once as light as a feather [a3] [p.102/110]
9/14. Baildon: Adam catch'd Eve by the furbelow [a3] [p.103/111]
10. Arne: Lady Fanny ("Bewitch'd Lady Fanny") [a4] [p.104]**
11/16. Travers: Life is a jest [a4] [p.106/114]
12. Baildon: Epitaph on a Lady ("Here lies a lady") [a3] [p.107]**
13/15. Woodward: Quoth Roger to Nelly [a4] [p.110/112]
14/17. Anon: O beauteous eyes discover [a3] [p.111/114]
15/18. Arne: The Family Quarrel ("Good neighbours be quiet") [Prize Medal catch 1764, a4] [p.112/115]
16/19. Atterbury: With horns and hounds in chorus [a3] [p.114/117]
17/20. Holmes: Do not say me No [a3] [p.115/118]
18/21. Holmes: What are we met? [a3] [p.116/119]
19/22. Holmes: Shew a room, here's a knot [a3] [p.117/120]
20. Dennis: Fill your bowls, ye loyal souls (A New Loyal Song) [song, a2] [p.118]**
21/23. Burney: Mortals learn your lives to measure [a3] [p.120/121]
22/24. Boyce: The Maiden Rose ("'Mongst other roses thorns grown thick") [a3] [p.121/122]
23/25. Marella: Catch of Catches ("Jack, thou'rt a come once more") [a3] [p.122/123]
24/26. Anon: A boat, a boat, hast to the ferry [a3] [p.123/124]
25/27. Clark: Since my Phillis is fall'n to my share [a3] [p.124/125]
26/28. Hayes: Phillis, my fairest, how can you deny me [a3] [p.125/126]
27/29. Hayes: Unbending thy working mind awhile [a3] [p.126/127]
28/30. Arnold: Suppose, the King, he shou'd command [a4] [p.127/128]
29/31. Brewer: A fig for care, why shou'd we spare [a4] [p.128/129]
30/32. Hilton: Come let us all a Maying go [a3] [p.129/130]
31/33. Burney: Jack and Jill, went up the hill [a4] [p.129/130]
32/34. Brewer: Why shou'd not we three be merry? [a3] [p.130/131]
33/35. Arnold: John run so long, and run so fast [Epigram, a4] [p.130/131]
34/36. Hayes: Alike in temper, and in life [a3] [p.131/132]
35/37. Arnold: Moll, Doll, the dairy maid [a3] [p.132/133]
36/38. Anon: Let's have a peal for John Cook's soul [Canon, 9 in 1] [p.132/133]
37/39. Hayes: Tipple away this is my Granum's wedding day [Canon, 3 in 1] [p.133/134]
38/40. Arnold: Here lies the body of all Fours [Epitaph, a3] [p.133/134]
39/41. Arnold: At the Cross Keys, you may have what you please [a3] [p.134/135]
40/42. Atterbury: Joan said to John when he stopt her t'other day [a3] [p.135/136]
41/43. Webbe: I love to be merry and wise [a4] [p.136/137]
42/44. Webbe: Tell me ye pow'rs, what can surpass [a3] [p.138/139]
43/45. Burney: Peter White, who never goes right [a4] [p.139/140]
44/46. Anon: I love my Fanny, with all my soul [a3] [p.140/141]
45/47. Travers: Doubtless the pleasure is as great [a3] [p.140/141]
46. Boyce: 'Moungst other roses, thorns grow thick [a3] [p.141]**
47/49. Barsanti: Fye! what mean you drunken elves [a4] [p.142/143]
48/50. Baildon: Cry'd Strephon panting in dear Cloe's arms [a3] [p.145/145]
49/51. Hayes: Come follow me to the greenwood tree [Canon, 3 in 1] [p.148/148]
50/52. Arne: The Weeders ("Joan marching forth") [a4] [p.149/149]
51/53. Baildon: Says my lord to his lady [a3] [p.152/152]
52/54. Brewer: Wind gentle evergreens to form a shade [Epitaph, a3] [p.154/154]
A Table of the Songs and Glees [by page number; not alphabetical]
A Table of the Catches, Epigrams, and Canons [by page number; not alphabetical]

Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation 2-4 voices; 3-5 equal voices; 2 voices, chorus; 2-3 voices, continuo; 2 voices, chorus, continuo; 9 equal voices
Extra Information Most of the catches and glees are taken from Warren's Collection

Navigation etc.

Named composers without IMSLP pages (or unidentified):
  • Mr. Barnard
  • Mr. Cannington
  • Mr. Clark
  • Mr. Cook (Henry Cook, ca. 1615-1672)
  • Mr. Dennis
  • Mr. Fletcher
  • Nicholas Freeman
  • Mr. Hicks
  • Mr. W. Markham
  • Mr. Morgan (may be either Thomas Morgan or George Morgan)
  • Edward Mulso
  • Mr. Olive
  • Signor Palma (possibly Giovanni Vincenzo Palma)
  • Mr. Popely
  • Fisher Tench
  • Henry Wheeler?
  • Mr. White
  • Mr. Winn
  • Thomas Wood

(+) 1786 Edition includes composer's name
(#) bass line composed by John Arnold
(**) deleted from 1777 & 1786 Editions]
(°) composer listed in another source