(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Purcell, Henry .)
Henry Purcell (10 September 1659 — 21 November 1695)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Henri Purcell, Henricus Perselas
Name in Other Languages: هنري برسل , هنرى برسل , Henri Pursell , Генры Пёрсел , Гэнры Пэрсэл , [19 more... ] Хенри Пърсел , Χένρι Πέρσελ , هنری پرسل , הנרי פרסל , Հենրի Պյորսել , ヘンリー・パーセル , ჰენრი პერსელი , 헨리 퍼셀 , Henricus Purcell , Henrijs Pērsels , Хенри Персел , ဟင်နရီ ပါဆဲလ် , Генри Пёрселл , Генрі Перселл , Pyorsell Genri , 亨利·珀塞尔 , 亨利浦修 , 亨利·普賽爾 , 亨利·巴素
Aliases: Пёрселл, Генри , Sir Henry Purcell , 普賽爾 , 亨利·浦賽爾 , 浦賽爾 , [2 more... ] Purcell , Henry Percell
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 5118737 , LCCN : n79095298 , ISNI : 0000000121188274 , [12 more... ] GND : 118742973 , SELIBR : 246265 , SUDOC : 032411200 , BNF : 13898724p , BIBSYS : 90056496 , MusicBrainz : ddea5540-2c7d-4266-8507-b367c2635d35 , NLA : 36175583 , NDL : 00453450 , NKC : jn20000720236 , BNE : XX839855 , CiNii : DA01760167 , IATH : w6qf8td5
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"Z " numbers for works are taken from: Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell, 1659–1695. An Analytical Catalogue of His Music (London, 1963)
Pages in category "Purcell, Henry/Collections"
The following 111 pages are in this category, out of 111 total.
❉ – All (111) 🔊 – Recordings (6) 𝐍 – Naxos (15) S – Scores (105) P – Parts (14) V – Vocal Scores (2) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (19) 🔀 📻
A B C Calliope, or English Harmony (Roberts, Henry) The Catch Club or Merry Companions (Walsh, John) Catches, Glees and Canons (Hayes, William) Cathedral Chants of the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries (Rimbault, Edward Francis) Cathedral Chants (Various) The Cathedral Magazine (Various) Cathedral Music (Boyce, William) Choice Ayres and Courtly Dances (Moffat, Alfred) Choice Ayres, Songs, and Dialogues (Playford, John) A Choice Collection of Ayres and Dances (Moore, Frederick) A Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinnet (Purcell, Henry) 101 Classics (Dunstan, Ralph) Les Clavecinistes de 1637 à 1790 (Méreaux, Jean-Amédée Lefroid de) Clio and Euterpe (Roberts, Henry) A Collection of Ayres Compos'd for the Theatre (Purcell, Henry) A Collection of Catches, Canons and Glees (Warren, Thomas) A Collection of New Songs (Matteis, Nicola) A Collection of Pieces for 2 Soprano, Alto and Tenor Instruments (Kompy) A Collection of Songs (Various) A Collection of the Vocal Music in Shakespear's Plays (Various) Comes Amoris (Carr, John) The Compleat Musick-Master (Pearson, William) The Cremona Violin Album of Modern and Classical Pieces (Moffat, Alfred)D E F H L M M cont. N O P R S 5 Sacred Choruses (Purcell, Henry) Sacred Minstrelsy (Parker, John William) Sacred Music (Stevens, Richard John Samuel) 4 Sacred Pieces for Horn Octet (Miller, Toby) Select Preludes and Voluntaries for the Violin (Walsh, John) Selected Pieces from Early Classic Masters (Henderson, Archibald Martin) Selected Songs (Purcell, Henry) 50 Shakespeare Songs (Vincent, Charles) Shakspeare's Dramatic Songs (Linley, William) Social Harmony (Various) Solo Pieces for Viola da Gamba from Williamsburg (Various) 10 Sonatas in Four Parts, Z.802-811 (Purcell, Henry) 12 Sonatas of Three Parts, Z.790-801 (Purcell, Henry) 24 Songs by English Composers of the 17th and 18th Centuries (Arkwright, Godfrey Edward Pellew) Songs Compleat, Pleasant and Divertive (D'Urfey, Thomas) 100 Songs of England (Bantock, Granville) The Songs of England (Hatton, John Liptrot) 3 Stücke (Purcell, Henry) Suite Anglaise (Purcell, Henry) Suite in C major (Purcell, Henry) Suite in D major (Purcell, Henry) Suite No.3 (Croft, William) Suites, Lessons and Pieces for the Harpsichord (Purcell, Henry)T U V W